ISRAEL AT WAR!!! Day 418 - PRAY!!!
Pray For Israel — Psalm 122:6-8, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee."
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In-Depth: Why A Future Seven Year Tribulation Is a Biblical Necessity
How Will the Antichrist Deceive the End Times World?
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Russian Forces Are Gobbling Up Territory in Ukraine at A Rapid Pace, And So the Western Elite Have Decided To Gamble With All Of Our Lives…
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In-Depth: Why A Future Seven Year Tribulation Is a Biblical Necessity
By Jonathan Brentner -
The Bible tells us there must be a seven-year period when God again turns His attention to the Jewish people and Jerusalem. The length of this still future time comes the prophet Daniel who specified seventy weeks of years during which time the Lord will complete His redemptive purposes for choosing Israel (Daniel 9:24-27).
Why am I so confident that the last week of Daniel’s prophecy awaits a future fulfillment? It’s because the events that mark its beginning and midpoint have never happened in human history.
Daniel 9:27 KJV – “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
This last seven-year period will begin with a “prince” (9:26) establishing a seven-year peace agreement with Israel. Perhaps the most notable aspect of Daniel’s prophecy regarding the seventieth week is the ending of temple sacrifices, which the prophet later refers to as the “abomination that makes desolate” (Daniel 12:11).
Does it make sense that there’s a long gap between the sixty-ninth and seventieth week of Daniel’s prophecy? Yes, the text itself tells us that that last week would not immediately follow the cutting off of the Messiah.
Daniel 9:25-26 KJV – “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.”
Bible scholars have calculated that the sixty-ninth week ends exactly on the very day Jesus rode into Jerusalem just days before His crucifixion. This fulfilled the prophet’s words that after the next to last “week,” the Messiah would “cut off, but not for himself.” Please note that Daniel placed the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple during the interlude between the final weeks. This necessitates a gap of at least forty years before the start of the seventieth week, which we read about in Daniel 9:27.
That leads me to the next question: how do we know that the seventieth week of Daniel’s prophecy didn’t occur in the first century AD or anytime since then? It’s been two thousand years since the end of the sixty-ninth one, is it possible that the last week still remains unfulfilled? Yes, absolutely!
Jesus Placed Daniel’s Last Week in the Future
Four centuries after the time of Daniel, Antiochus Epiphanes came to power and subsequently desecrated the second Jewish temple by setting up idols in it and offering pigs on its altar.
Although the actions of Antiochus Epiphanes foreshadowed the words of Daniel 9:27, they didn’t fulfill the prophecy. First, Antiochus defiled the temple during the first sixty-nine weeks rather than during the last seven-year period of years in Daniel’s prophecy (9:24-27). That alone disqualifies his actions from contention.
Second, two centuries later, Jesus referred to Daniel prophecy of the temple’s desecration as a still future event:
Matthew 24:15 KJV – “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)”
As He answered His disciples’ questions pertaining to the end of the age, the Lord referred to the key event of Daniel’s seventieth week as a literal and still future event and one that would signal the nearness of His Second Coming.
Today, most Bible teachers and pastors claim that the Roman General Titus fulfilled the seventieth week of Daniel when he destroyed both Jerusalem and the temple.
However, this is impossible for several reasons:
The Lord told Daniel that Titus’ siege of Zion would happen in-between the last two weeks, not during the last one.
There’s no record whatsoever of a peace agreement between the Roman general and Israel such as must happen to start the seventieth week of Daniel.
Daniel tells us that the coming “prince” would defile the temple, not destroy it.
The key detail that Paul adds to the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15.
The Lord Himself Will Destroy the Desolator
In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul identifies the one who will desecrate the temple as the “man of lawlessness,” the one we refer to today as the “antichrist.”
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 KJV – “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”
The apostle reveals that the coming desolator will blaspheme the Lord, sit in the “temple of God,” and “proclaim himself to be God.”
Then Paul adds one critical detail about the one who will commit Daniel’s “abomination of desolation” at the midpoint of Daniel’s seventieth week:
2 Thessalonians 2:8 KJV – “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:”
At His return to earth, Jesus Himself will destroy the “man of lawlessness” whom the apostle had just identified as the one who would desecrate of the temple and thus fulfill the words of Daniel 9:27. This also disqualifies Titus as the one who would fulfill the words of the prophet and of Jesus in Matthew 24:15 because two things must be true in order to identify Titus as the one to fulfill this prophecy.
First, Jesus would’ve returned to the earth in about AD 73-74, or three and a half years after Titus destroyed the temple. This gap for the last half of the seventieth week perfectly coincides with the time of the “great tribulation” that Jesus said would happen between it and the Second Coming (Matthew 24:15-31).
Second, the Lord Himself would’ve killed Titus at His return in AD 73-74. However, we know from history that Titus died of natural causes in AD 81.
And if the desecration of the Temple didn’t happen before or during the time of this Roman general, and it did not, then it couldn’t possibly have occurred since then because there has never been another Jewish temple.
The Apostle John Placed the Desolator’s Demise at Jesus’ Return
In Revelation 13:6, John tells us that the coming beast, whom we today identify as the antichrist, will open “its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling.” This is the guy of Daniel’s prophecy (9:27 and 11:36) as well as the one Jesus referred to Matthew 24:15. He is the “man of lawlessness” of 2 Thessalonians 2.
In Revelation 19:19-20, John provides an eyewitness of the future destruction of this future beast that will desecrate the Jewish temple:
Revelation 19:19-20 KJV – “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.”
Just as the Apostle Paul prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:8, Jesus Himself will destroy the “desolator” of Daniel 9:27 at His Second Coming. He will cast him into the lake of fire.
No one has ever fulfilled all that we know about Daniel’s “abomination of desolation” from Matthew 24:15 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8.
The Witness of Irenaeus (AD 130-202)
Irenaeus, an early church leader and prominent theologian, wrote Against Heresies in AD 180 to combat the spread of Gnosticism. It’s noteworthy that he was born in Smyrna and received his training in the faith by Polycarp, whom the Apostle John himself discipled.
In Against Heresies, book 5, chapter 30, section 4, Irenaeus wrote these words:
But when the antichrist shall have devastated all things in this world, he will reign for three years and six months, and sit in the temple in Jerusalem; and then the Lord will come from heaven in the clouds, in the glory of the Father, sending this man and those who follow him into the lake of fire; but bringing in for the righteous times of the kingdom.
This quote reveals significant details about Irenaeus’ beliefs about the future temple:
Writing 110 years after Titus destroyed the second temple, he wrote that there would be a future temple in Jerusalem.
Irenaeus stated that the antichrist would “sit in the temple in Jerusalem” exactly as Paul said he would do in 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
He predicted that Jesus Himself would destroy the antichrist at His Second Coming, which aligns with what both Paul and John wrote about the one who would desecrate the temple.
Although Irenaeus’ words are not Scripture, it’s more than a little significant that this highly respected second century AD theologian believed there would be a third temple in Jerusalem in which a still future world leader would sit and defile before his destruction at Jesus’ return to the earth.
Why Does This Matter for Us Today?
Does the fact that Daniel’s seventieth week awaits a future fulfillment matter of us today? It does because of the following reasons:
1. The Lord’s purposes for Israel remain incomplete
Since the seventieth week of Daniel has not yet happened, it signifies that the Lord’s purposes for Israel remain in place. His redemptive purposes for Jewish people and Jerusalem remain incomplete based on the words of Daniel 9:24.
Daniel 9:24 KJV – “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.”
Those who say that God has rejected Israel must also fit Daniel’s seventieth week into the events of the first century, which according to the words of Jesus, Paul, and John is impossible. According to Daniel 9:24, the Lord’s redemptive purposes for both His “people” and Jerusalem remain incomplete and await a future fulfillment.
2. Modern-day Israel fulfills Bible prophecy
In order for the seventieth week of Daniel to start, Israel must exist as an established nation and because of threats to its future, be willing to agree to the future covenant of peace offered by the antichrist. The nation must also possess the city of Jerusalem and have both the means and passion to build the third temple. These things are all true.
If one were to write a script for what must happen before the last week of Daniel’s prophecy begins, one couldn’t do better than what’s now happening in the Middle East. The only thing missing is Israel’s access to build on the temple mount, which most students of Bible prophecy believe will be a part of the coming peace agreement with the “man of lawlessness.”
3. There must be seven-year Tribulation
Since Daniel’s seventieth week awaits a future fulfillment, there must be a future seven-year period of turmoil on the earth when the Lord will turn His attention to Israel and bring a remnant of His people to repentance. Jeremiah famously referred to it as the time of “Jacob’s trouble” (30:7).
John placed the beast’s defilement of the temple in the midst of the judgments he wrote about in Revelation chapters 6-18 and wrote that the Lord would allow him to “exercise authority for forty-two months” (Revelation 13:5-6). This fits perfectly with the time of “great tribulation” Jesus said would happen between the desecration and His return (Matthew 24:15-31).
4. The Church doesn’t belong in the Tribulation
If the Lord’s purpose of Daniel’s seventieth week is to complete His purposes for Israel, and it is, does that mean the church age must end before its start? Yes, it does!
In other articles, I have written at length citing biblical evidence supporting the pre-Tribulation Rapture. The purpose of Daniel’s seventy weeks further supports the Church’s absence during the Tribulation.
The purpose of the entire seven years along with many Bible passages such as 1 Thessalonians 5:1-10 enable us to confidently place the Rapture before entire seventieth week, which the Old Testament also identifies as the beginning of the Day of the Lord.
How Will the Antichrist Deceive the End Times World?
Britt Gillette -
The Coming Counterfeit Miracles of the Antichrist…
Not everyone in the world today accepts the message of Jesus. This shouldn’t surprise you. Even many of those who met Jesus refused to accept His message. In spite of the love He offered… In spite of His revolutionary teachings… In spite of His miracles… They rejected Him. Why? Jesus said it’s because such people are children of the devil – the father of lies (John 8:42:44). Otherwise, why would anyone reject Jesus?
Jesus embodied truth (John 14:6). He gave sight to the blind (John 9:6-7). He opened the ears of the deaf (Mark 7:35). He cured the lepers (Luke 17:14). He even brought the dead back to life (John 11:43-44). His miracles testified to His identity as the Son of God (John 5:36). Still, many of those who witnessed His miracles turned away from Him. Many of those who heard His words did not believe Him. And in the years since, millions upon millions have rejected Jesus as the Messiah.
Yet Jesus tells us a time will come when the world will gladly follow someone else. He said, “Another will come, and Him you will follow” (John 5:43). Who is this man the world will follow? Who is this false messiah? I’m sure you’ve heard of him before. His name is the Antichrist.
The Bible tells us the Antichrist will be so powerful, the world will worship him (Revelation 13:4). He will command a global government with complete power over every person on earth (Revelation 13:7). His power will be so complete he’ll control everyone’s ability to buy or sell (Revelation 13:17). But is this power the only reason the world will worship him? Most likely not. Many kings and rulers have held power. Few have been worshiped. But the Bible provides us with a clue as to why the world will worship this man. It says he will perform great miracles (Revelation 13:13). In fact, these miracles will be so amazing, they will deceive God’s people – if such a thing were possible (Matthew 24:24).
The “Miracle” of Advanced Technology
Many people describe technology as a modern day miracle. Since the Industrial Revolution, we’ve witnessed one technological breakthrough after another. With each passing year, our devices cost less and grow in power. Given current trends, we have no reason to believe this won’t continue right up until the moment Jesus returns.
After all, we live in a world of exponential change. We live in a world where each year technology improves by leaps and bounds. And it’s in this world where the Antichrist will perform his deceptive miracles. How will he do this? I don’t know. But in the near future, he will be able to use new technologies to counterfeit almost every miracle of Jesus. Is it any wonder he will deceive so many people? The Bible says the whole world will follow him. And his “miracles” are one of the reasons they will. But the Antichrist’s miracles won’t be miracles at all. They’ll be fakes.
Keep in mind, counterfeit miracles are nothing new. Pharaoh’s magicians copied many of the plagues God sent on Egypt (Exodus 7:11). Is it any surprise the Antichrist will be able to do the same?
Are You The Messiah?
When John the Baptist sent a messenger to ask Jesus if He was the long awaited Messiah, Jesus responded, “The lame walk. The deaf hear. The blind see…” (Luke 7:22). For John, this was enough. These facts confirmed the identity of Jesus. After all, never in the history of the world had a man restored sight to a man born blind (John 9:32). His miracles proved Jesus was the Messiah.
But very soon, such miracles will be commonplace. Molecular manufacturing, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and other advanced technologies will cure all disease and disabilities. The blind will see. The lame will walk. The deaf will hear. The sick will be healed.
We already see efforts toward this end. Companies such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink are developing implantable brain chips to restore sight for the blind and mobility for the paralyzed. It’s easy to see where this is headed – the lame will walk, and the blind will see.
It’s also easy to imagine when that happens, one man will claim credit – the Antichrist.
Let’s look at a few of Jesus’s miracles and how the Antichrist could use future technology in an effort to copy them:
Feeding the Five Thousand
Tasked with feeding a crowd of 5,000 men (and even more women and children), Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish. He blessed them, broke them into pieces, and had His disciples hand them out to the people. Everyone ate as much as they wanted, and twelve baskets of leftovers were collected (Matthew 14:13-21).
Did you know the dirt in your front yard probably has every element needed to make fish and bread? All you need is a recipe and the means to make them. With the blueprint for a piece of fish or a loaf of bread, advanced technology will be able to do just that. By rearranging matter, you could literally create a fish or a loaf of bread from nothing but dirt. And with enough dirt, you could feed five thousand people. In fact, with enough dirt and the right technology, you could feed the whole world.
In a world of advanced technology, the Antichrist will be able to feed the whole world. And if he did, the world would worship him for it (Revelation 13:4). But again, this would be a false miracle. Man does not live off of bread alone, but from the Word of God (Matthew 4:4)
Water into Wine
The first miracle Jesus performed in public took place at a wedding. When the wine ran out, Jesus told the servants to fill six jars with water. Then, He told them to dip some out and take it to the master of ceremonies. When they did, the water had turned into wine (John 2:1-11).
With advanced technology, the Antichrist could also turn water into wine. Remember, natural chemical processes create both water and wine. Once computers can control the forming and breaking of chemical bonds, humans will be able to direct those chemical processes. If you have the elements needed to form the chemical compounds in wine, advanced technology will open the door for turning water into wine.
Curing of Disease
Jesus cured lepers (Luke 17:14), gave sight to the blind (John 9:6-7), healed the lame (Mark 2:11-12), opened the ears of the deaf (Mark 7:35), and cured disease (Luke 8:2). Will the Antichrist be able to do the same? In all likelihood, yes.
Advanced technology is on the verge of monumental breakthroughs in medicine. Soon, we’ll be able to replace cancerous cells with healthy ones. Designer antibodies will attack and destroy once deadly viruses. Imagine man-made machines so small they can travel through the blood stream. As they encounter deadly bacteria and viruses, they latch on and disable them, effectively ending all illness and disease.
In such a world, the blind will see, the deaf will hear, and the paralyzed will walk again. No one will die from infection. No one will die from heart disease. The aging process will be reversed.
Advanced technology will eventually enable the Antichrist to appear to offer the world:
1) Immortality, and
2) Peace on Earth
With its ability to repair and regenerate human cells, tissues, and organs, advanced technology will promise dramatic improvements in human health. The Antichrist will promise perpetual youth and good health as well as an escape from death.
But again, this power will only extend to the physical world. True life comes from God. Your soul belongs to Christ. It doesn’t matter if you acknowledge His power or not (John 5:25-30). Nevertheless, that truth will be hidden from the people who belong to this world, and they will believe the lie, thinking advanced technology can make them immortal.
Peace on Earth
The combination of molecular manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing will result in overwhelmingly powerful drone swarms able to disarm the most powerful militaries of our time. The ascendance of these technologies will inevitably lead to a global empire and the appearance of world peace. With a single unified government, no competing militaries, and no language barriers, it will appear as though war is forever a part of the past.
But again, this will be a lie. Only Jesus can bring lasting peace. In the absence of the Holy Spirit, man’s fallen nature makes war inevitable. Sin is the root cause of all human conflict (James 4:1), and no technology (no matter how advanced) can cleanse the world of sin.
Despite humanity’s sinful nature, for a time, the world will appear to be at peace. The absolute power of the Antichrist’s global empire will make war impossible. Under such conditions, the world will be deceived into believing this false peace is eternal. Since the Bible says when the Messiah comes, “nation will no longer fight nation, nor will they train for war anymore” (Isaiah 2:4), this could lead to worship of the Antichrist (Revelation 13:4).
Can you begin to see how the world will be deceived? Is it any surprise the people of this world will worship him?
Some Things Can’t Be Replicated
Again, counterfeit miracles are nothing new. Pharaoh’s magicians appeared to copy many of the plagues God sent on Egypt. But in the end, Pharaoh and his court couldn’t match God’s power over death. Death ultimately came to the firstborn of Egypt (Exodus 12:29).
Likewise, what Jesus did on the cross can’t be copied. He took on the sin of the world, and through Him, we receive forgiveness. Can the Antichrist (or any man) forgive sin? No. Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12). He has the power to lay down His life and to pick it up again (John 10:18). He has the power to raise the dead (John 11:44), and He has power to judge the world (John 5:22).
The end times will be a time of great deception (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11). Even though the teachings of Jesus are well known, much of the world continues to look for a messiah – a savior who will end the suffering of this world. The Bible tells us the world will follow the Antichrist. They will marvel at his “miracles.” They will worship him as their savior and god. But it will all be false. It will all be an illusion. Nothing but a counterfeit hope, when real hope is found in Jesus.
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Russian Forces Are Gobbling Up Territory in Ukraine at A Rapid Pace, and So the Western Elite Have Decided to Gamble With All Of Our Lives…
by Michael Snyder -
If the trajectory of the war in Ukraine remains the same, Russia will win. The only way that Ukraine could win would be for NATO to get directly involved in the conflict, and we are dangerously close to seeing that happen. If Ukraine keeps firing long-range missiles provided by NATO into Russian territory, the Russian responses to those missile strikes will keep getting more intense. Eventually, the Russians may do something so dramatic that it would give NATO justification to enter the war, and that is precisely what many among the western elite want. But of course a direct conflict with Russia could spark a nuclear war that would kill hundreds of millions of people. So by choosing to greatly escalate the war in Ukraine, the western elite are literally gambling with all of our lives.
On Tuesday, it was being reported that Russia is gaining territory in Ukraine “at the fastest rate since the early days of the 2022 invasion”…
Russian forces are advancing in Ukraine at the fastest rate since the early days of the 2022 invasion, taking an area half the size of London over the past month, analysts and war bloggers said on Tuesday.
The corporate media in the U.S. doesn’t talk much about Russian victories, and so most Americans don’t even know that this is happening.
So far this month, the Russians have captured approximately 257 square miles…
Pasi Paroinen, a military analyst with Finland’s Black Bird Group, said Russian forces had taken control of an estimated 667 sq km (257 sq miles) this month, citing data he said could include some October gains noted with a delay.
President Vladimir Putin, who replaced his defence minister in May, has repeatedly said that Russian forces are advancing much more effectively – and that Russia will achieve all its aims in Ukraine, although he has not spelled them out in detail.
The Ukrainians are outmatched, and they have been worn down by more than two years of relentless fighting.
If things remain the same, the Russians will continue to march forward.
At this stage, the Russians already control 18 percent of Ukraine…
Russia controls 18% of Ukraine including all of Crimea, just over 80% of Donbas and more than 70% of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions in the south, as well just under 3% of the eastern Kharkiv region, according to open source maps.
The western elite are absolutely determined to do something to change the momentum of the conflict, and so they have decided to allow Ukraine to launch long-range missiles that NATO has provided into Russian territory.
But the Russians are promising that every time this happens, there will be a response…
“Missile strikes deep inside Russian territory are an escalatory step,” Lavrov told Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper. “All of our warnings that these unacceptable actions will be met with an appropriate response have been ignored.”
Those behind attacks on Russian citizens and infrastructure will face “well-deserved punishment,” the minister warned. He added that “no escalation coming from the enemy would force us to abandon our goals” in Ukraine.
The brand new Oreshnik missile that the Russians have unveiled is a game-changing weapons system.
According to Scott Ritter, the Oreshnik is unlike anything that we have ever seen before…
The Oreshnik was designed to carry between four and six IPBVs. The one used against Dnipropetrovsk was a six IPBV-capable system. Each war head in turn contained six separate submunitions, consisting of metal slugs forged from exotic alloys that enabled them to maintain their form during the extreme heat generated by hypersonic re-entry speeds. These slugs are not explosive; rather they use the combined effects of the kinetic impact at high speed and the extreme heat absorbed by the exotic alloy to destroy their intended target on impact.
The military industrial target struck by the Oreshnik was hit by six independent warheads, each containing six submunitions. In all, the Dnipropetrovsk facility was struck be 36 separate munitions, inflicting devastating damage, including to underground production facilities used by Ukraine and its NATO allies to produce short- and intermediate-range missiles.
The U.S. does not have anything remotely similar.
In fact, the U.S. does not have any operational hypersonic missiles at all.
The sad truth is that we are way behind the Russians in this area.
How in the world did we allow that to happen?
The Russians have begun mass production of the new Oreshnik missile, and according to retired MIT professor Theodore Postol we have absolutely no defense against it…
None of the current missile defense systems worldwide can intercept Russia’s new intermediate-range ballistic missile, the Oreshnik, Theodore Postol, a leading US missile technology expert and retired MIT Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology, and National Security Policy, told TASS.
He dismissed claims that existing missile defense systems, including Aegis, Aegis Ashore, THAAD, Patriot, and Iron Dome, could counter the Oreshnik. “No, no, absolutely not,” said the expert, who is a former science adviser to the US Navy chief of staff and has also worked at Stanford University and Argonne National Laboratory. “There’s nothing available that can engage that system and offer any meaningful defense against it,” Postol emphasized.
We are also being told that the Oreshnik can also carry nuclear warheads.
In addition to the Oreshnik, the Russians have developed highly advanced ICBMs that are far superior to anything that we have.
The Russians now possess the most advanced nuclear missiles in the world by a very wide margin, and meanwhile the U.S. is still relying on hopelessly outdated technology from the 1970s and 1980s.
We do not want to fight a nuclear war with the Russians.
It would not go well for us.
Recently, FEMA issued an updated guide for how to survive nuclear war, and it contains some very questionable advice…
FEMA’s guidance emphasizes three crucial steps: “Get Inside, Stay Inside, and Stay Tuned.” Citizens are encouraged to seek immediate shelter in a sturdy building, ideally in a basement or a central room away from windows, to reduce exposure to harmful radiation. Remaining indoors for at least 24 hours is essential unless authorities provide different instructions. Staying informed through official channels is vital; it’s empowering, ensuring you receive timely updates and directives and putting you in control of your safety.
The agency highlights the severe consequences of nuclear explosions, which include intense heat, blast waves, and radiation, all of which can cause catastrophic damage and casualties. A particular concern is fallout—the radioactive debris propelled into the atmosphere, which can reach ground level within 15 minutes of the detonation. This fallout poses significant health risks due to the high levels of radiation it emits.
First of all, if a nuclear war erupts most experts encourage people to stay inside for a minimum of 48 hours after the last nuclear detonation in your region of the country has occurred. But personally, I would recommend staying inside for at least two weeks.
Secondly, why are they telling us to stay informed “through official channels” when nuclear war will destroy our power grid and nobody will be broadcasting?
If a nuclear war erupts, tens of millions of Americans will instantly die, and tens of millions of Americans are likely to die in the aftermath as a result of being exposed to nuclear fallout.
Of course the famine that follows nuclear war would kill more Americans than anything else.
It has been projected that more than 90 percent of the U.S. population will end up dead if there is a full-blown nuclear war with Russia.
So why are the western elite gambling with all of our lives?
Is it really worth it?
Ukraine and Russia had agreed to a peace deal in the early days of the war, but the western elite vetoed that peace agreement.
They told the Ukrainians to keep on fighting, and since then approximately 600,000 precious Ukrainians have been killed.
Now the western elite are putting all of our lives on the line, and that should deeply concern us all.
Show God We Are Thankful
By Nathele Graham -
“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him” (Colossians 3:17).
We owe everything to God, so why is it so hard to say “Thank You” to Him? I think a lot of it has to do with pride. When we thank someone for what they’ve done, we admit that we need others, and it humbles us. Christians have much to be thankful for. We know that God created everything, and it’s all designed for our existence. We should thank Him for that. We also know that we are sinners who were bound for eternity in Hell, but through faith in Jesus Christ and repentance, we are sinners saved by grace. That’s another reason to thank God.
The closer we draw to God, the more we realize we have much to be thankful for. We can look back on life and remember things that we prayed very hard for, but God didn’t seem to hear or care. It’s only in looking back that we can see how wrong it would have been if those prayers were answered with a yes instead of a no. Maybe you were madly in love with your high school sweetheart but broke up after graduation. Your heart was broken. Where was God? Why didn’t He jump to answer your prayer? Then a class reunion comes along, and there’s the person you were so in love with. Their choices in life have left them bankrupt and jobless, and possibly in trouble with the law. Thank God for saying no to your prayer.
Any good parent will tell their child no if the thing that child wants is bad for them. God is our Father, and He knows more about the future than we do and only wants what’s best for us. Instead of blaming Him for things that you think are wrong in your life, take time to be thankful even if you don’t understand His reasons.
The Apostle Paul had plenty of times in his life that he surely wasn’t able to understand why God allowed circumstances to happen, but gave thanks anyway. “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
For instance, how could he understand how a shipwreck could be useful to the Lord? If it had happened to me, I’m sure I would have questioned why. In Paul’s case, he was able to use it as an evangelizing tool. Paul most likely couldn’t understand the reason that he was beaten and imprisoned. This was also a witnessing tool. In Philippi, the way he handled his beating and being put in jail in chains brought the jail warden, and possibly his fellow prisoners, to salvation. When he was under arrest in Rome, he wrote many letters which still encourage and teach us today.
So, when your circumstances are harsh and you don’t understand why, remember to give thanks for everything. You don’t have to be thankful for the circumstances; just be thankful in the circumstances. Then, use it as a witnessing tool. Others are facing hardship and can take encouragement from you.
When you give thanks to God in whatever situation you happen to find yourself, you will find that you have a peaceful outlook on the situation. “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; forbearing on another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye” (Colossians 3:12-13).
Christians need to represent Christ in all things and show His compassion for others. It isn’t always easy, but it always shows our gratefulness for what He did for us. Christ humbly laid down His life so we can be forgiven. His love for us caused Him to suffer the greatest of pain that can be imagined. He did it willingly to take our sin away, so shouldn’t we humbly forgive others as He forgave us? Absolutely. “And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness” (Colossians 3:14).
That word “charity” is translated from the word “agape.” This is how we can thank God for what He has done for us. We can care for others with charity (agape love) and kindness. We need to love and take care of each other. You might be surprised how many brothers and sisters in Christ need some charity. An older widow I know is having a tough time dealing with the daily struggles of maintaining her house, such as dealing with plumbing troubles and other home repairs. She could use help from fellow Christians. “Honour widows that are widows indeed” (1 Timothy 5:3).
It’s really the duty of Christians to care for our brothers and sisters. This is how we can show God that we are thankful. “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
Each of us becomes a part of the body of Christ when we understand that we have sinned against God, we repent of our sin, and we accept His forgiveness for salvation. That means we become His hands and feet (parts of His body) to care for and help brothers and sisters in Christ. We thank Him by caring for each other. Just as we care for our own body by taking care of our needs for nutrition, clothing, and shelter, we show God our thanks by caring for the body of Christ.
Are you serving Christ by sharing His love with others? Wherever you live and whatever situation in which you find yourself, you can share God’s love. Remember that Christians always need to show our thanks to Jesus by representing Him in whatever we do. Whether you are at work or at play, show God that you are thankful. Choose to speak gentle words and be a peacemaker. “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him” (Colossians 3:17).
Jesus commanded us to share the Gospel with the lost. His final command before He ascended to Heaven was to preach the Gospel. He told His disciples, “And he said unto them, ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature’” (Mark 16:15).
Jesus promised that signs would follow them in their obedience. They thanked Him by obeying His command, and because they were obedient, people today have heard the Gospel and have found salvation through Jesus’ shed blood. “And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen” (Mark 16:20).
That command needs to be heeded today. We need to care for brothers and sisters in Christ and share the Gospel with the lost.
We show God that we are thankful by obeying Him. Share the Gospel with the lost and take care of the body of Christ.
God bless you all
Nathele Graham
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All original scripture is “theopneustos,” God-breathed.
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Daily Jot: The Untold Story of Thanksgiving
Bill Wilson –
Over the ages, there have been many parallels drawn between the United States and Israel. Close allies since the declaration of Israel as an independent state in 1948, America and Israel have shared economic, political and spiritual links. One of those commonalities dates back to the original Pilgrims who ventured across the Atlantic to escape persecution and claim a new land in the “Name of God” and “Advancement of the Christian Faith,” as is written in the Mayflower Compact. William Bradford, an author of the Compact and leader of the Pilgrims, alluded to being driven out of England “as the heathen historians asserted of Moses and the Israelites when they went out of Egypt.”
Indeed, the allusion to the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land was not lost on the Pilgrims as they prepared and eventually traveled from Leyden, the Netherlands, to the new America and the establishment of the Plymouth Colony in 1620. The parallels between the Israelite’s Exodus and the Pilgrims are significant. Bradford’s history of the Plymouth Colony, carefully written in great detail in his work, “Of Plymouth Plantation,” documents the persecution Separatists endured from both the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England under King James. The Separatists were poor and heavy-labored to survive and “submitted to bondage” by not being allowed “to enjoy the ordinances of God in their purity, and the liberty of the gospel.”
Thus, Bradford wrote, “they cherished a great hope and inward zeal of laying good foundations, or at least of making some way towards it, for the propagation and advance of the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in the remote parts of the world, even though they should be but stepping stones to others in the performance of so great a work.” Even so, King James would not grant the Separatists “religious freedom by his public authority, under his seal, [it] was found to be impossible.” They decided to move ahead and “trust to God’s providence for the outcome, as they had done in other things.” Bradford later wrote they “endeavored to establish the right worship of God and the discipline of Christ in the Church according to the simplicity of the gospel and without the mixture of men’s inventions, and to be ruled by the laws of God’s word.”
Bradford compared the Pilgrims’ plight to the Israelites’ migration from Egypt to Canaan: “Our fathers were Englishmen who came over the great ocean and were ready to perish in the wilderness, but they cried to the Lord, and He heard their voice and looked on their adversity….Yes, let them who have been redeemed of the Lord, show how He has delivered them from the hand of the oppressor. When they wandered forth into the desert-wilderness, out of the way, and found no city to dwell in, both hungry and thirsty, their soul was overwhelmed in them (Psalm 107:1-6). Let them confess before the Lord His loving kindness, and His wonderful works before the sons of men.” Indeed as Psalm 107:13 states, “Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress.”
Moreover, Bradford and his Mayflower colleague William Brewster are credited with bringing the Hebrew language to America. Some 400 books, many in Hebrew were in the hold of the Mayflower. Bradford was a student of Hebrew. Why? In his own words: “Though I am growne aged, yet I have had a longing desire to see with my own eyes, something of that most ancient language, and holy tongue, in which the law and Oracles of God were write; and in which God and angels spake to the holy patriarchs of old time; and what names were given to things from creation…” The Exodus from Europe to a new land; The wilderness of starvation and death; The deliverance by the hand of God; and The Thanksgiving “sukkot feast”—the first Thanksgiving. And the making of a new nation under God—the parallels of the Israelites and the Pilgrims.
Daily Devotion: Give Thanks for Your Gifts
by Greg Laurie –
I always thank my God for you and for the gracious gifts he has given you, now that you belong to Christ Jesus. —1 Corinthians 1:4 - Listen
Serving the Lord is one of the greatest joys this side of Heaven. What makes it even better is that God has given each of us unique gifts to make the experience more fulfilling. And for that, we give thanks today.
God gives His gifts as He chooses. We don’t earn them. Some people have an ability to speak publicly. Some are better working behind the scenes. Some have business acumen. Some have athletic skills. Some have an ability to sing. Whatever your gift, God has given it for a very specific purpose. He wants you to use it for His glory and His work.
The apostle Paul wrote, “We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly” (Romans 12:5–8 NLT).
Just as each member of the human body plays an important role, so does each member of Christ’s body, the church. Your specific gifts are needed. You are needed. The work you do with your gifts facilitates the work other people do with their gifts.
Figuring out what you do well, what your God-given gifts are, is part of the adventure of faith. One of the best ways to do that is through the process of elimination. To find out what you’re good at, you must first find out what you’re not good at.
When I was seventeen, I volunteered for everything at church. I said, “I’ll do anything, whatever you want me to do.” I started with janitorial work and moved on to other areas. I quickly discovered that I was not gifted in a lot of them. But then I started finding areas where I was gifted. And I started to develop and cultivate those gifts. You develop a gift by using it, putting it into practice.
And then God does something truly amazing. God takes what we offer and multiplies it. He uses our gifts to work in the lives of others—to bless them, challenge them, motivate them, and bring them to Christ.
God has given us an important role in serving Him. He has equipped us with unique gifts and abilities that we can develop, hone, and use for the rest of our lives. He has made each of us an integral part of the body of Christ. And He multiplies our efforts in ways we can’t imagine to accomplish more than we ever dreamed possible. Let us give thanks.
Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines
Report: Biden-Harris Administration Threatening Israel into Accepting Ceasefire in Lebanon
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Up to Hamas now, Biden says, announcing US-brokered Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire deal
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Biden says ceasefire to take effect at 4 a.m. as cabinet votes 10-1 to approve deal
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Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire comes into effect, halting nearly 14 months of fighting
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"Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey
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